Friday, October 29, 2010

San Marco to Tocopilla (110km)

What a great location - setting sun and the sound of waves, of course, even with ear plugs. After a restless night the alarm of my watch comes as a rude awakening. Everything around me feels like its in  slow motion. Its a long time before I eventually fold up my tent and pack all my bags.  By 6o'clock I’m on the road. It’s still dark and once again I’m barreling down the road with my headlight illuminating the path ahead.  The coastline is ever changing. The weather is perfect and I cover the first 40km in good time. The terrain remains hilly. The variation in the landscape is so beautiful. 
It’s long after one of the towns I passed and have about 10km to go before I would enter the tunnel. I have no preconceived idea of what to expect. I made arrangements with Curt to meet me there as he would assist me to get through the tunnel. After this I have about 40km to go and would enter the town of Tocapilla. Curt arrives and I take the opportunity to rest and have a bite to eat. Curt, who had gone on ahead, could not find any place to stay in the town. He searched all possibilities but the city had nothing to offer. This is the end of my journey for the time being  and we decide to go on holiday… We pack up lock, stock and barrel - bicycle wheels come off and I remove part of the pannier carriage to fit everything into the little car we have. We are off.  Hello San Pedro De Atacama!


  1. Thanks to all you guys making comments,we need it! We having a great time and at times,food is in a can,wet wipes our shower until we get to a town. Thanks to Sandy for doing such a great job on the blog(manager).We'll keep you posted.

  2. Hi Euge. Enjoy the well earned break..I'm sure you and Curt are going to enjoy every minute of exploring together. Your trip thus far has been fantastic!! though I can imagine cycling through such rough and barren terrain must have tried you on more than one occassion. So wish that I were a lot younger. i would definitely try doing one of these cycle trips. What a way to see another country!! AWESOME
